The private security industry is growing at a rapid pace. This is good news to some because they are an important part of American safety.

Their work has evolved from the old days of standing guard and night. Not only do they protect companies, institutions, and people, but also information and intellectual property that might be stolen.

With a growing reliance on digital technology comes an increasing threat of hackers. This has helped spur growth in IT-related positions in the security industry.

The need to protect individuals and property has always existed, but has become more relevant as the threat level in the country continues to climb.

Private security workers also perform a lot of work behind the scenes. Potential employees might need to go through background checks, which are handled by private investigators.

They may also council companies on proper security protocols for their digital infrastructure.

Looking for a private security company? Building Security Services can answer any questions you have.

Growth Since 2010

The private security industry began seeing a huge increase in popularity in 2010. Since then, the industry has continued to grow exponentially with each passing year.

The U.S. security industry has already grown to be a 350 billion dollar market with 282 billion dollars being spent in the private sector alone and another 69 billion dollars being spent by the federal government.

More than 200 billion of the 282 being spent in the private sector is heading to non-IT sources. More than 80 billion is being spent on IT-related sources of security.

Both of these numbers are estimated to increase continuously throughout the end of the decade.

There are already more than 2 million full time workers in the U.S. Security industry. A large portion of those security workers are investigators and private detectives.

These are also the workers seeing the largest amount of growth. It is believed the number of investigators and private detectives will increase by at least twenty one percent before the end of the decade.

Why The Growth?

It is believed that an increasingly threatening environment is responsible for much of the growth. Threats from foreign and domestic sources are leading to more spending in the security industry.

This has also resulted in serious advancements in technology in operational and IT private security sectors.

Another reason for so much growth in the private sector is the steady change of how criminal activity is investigated and pursued.

More emphasis is being placed on developing preventative measures rather than the more traditional approach of pursuing existing criminals.

This places a larger reliance on technology, which results in a growth in the IT-related security sector.

It is also partially responsible for the large growth regarding investigators and private detectives.

These security workers are being employed by more companies than ever before to help perform background checks and perform important investigations that may prevent criminal activity from occurring.

An Increasingly Important Role In American Security

Whether they are standing guard, running background checks, or protecting websites against hackers, there’s no denying the increasingly important role the private security industry is playing in American culture.

They will only become more important as time passes, which means the sector will likely continue to grow long after this decade has come to an end.

Building Security Services has remained a top private security company in NJ, and New York City.

Joseph Ferdinando is the visionary founder of Building Security Services, a leading security company renowned for its comprehensive security services. With an illustrious career spanning over 40 years in the security industry, Joseph has been instrumental in elevating the standards of security guard services for a broad spectrum of businesses and organizations. As an influential member of the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) in both New York and New Jersey chapters, Joseph has played a pivotal role in shaping industry standards and practices.